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Thomas Claussen,Stephanie Findly,Ryan Vaughn,Greg Strandlie,Max Pineiro,Larry Davis,Brian Edwards,Howard's Towing & Recovery,Ronald Umland,Advanced Services of Redding,David Keever,Peter Harrell,James Aloi Private Inv.,Citi Towing,Dakota West,On Demand Repo,My Recovery System,South Texas Auto Recovery,Connect 1 Recovery,Elisa Noriega,George Badeen,Dana Loan,Peggy Chapman,Josh Pederson,Action Towing Servcies,All County Recovery,John Michel,Elizabeth J. Bennett,David J. Hughes,Andy Cowan,Sharon Handschin,Ray Franklin,Elmer Smith,Mark S. Summs,Kelly A Voetsch,Emily Massey,Marcelle Egley,Al Gonzalez,Eric Hellberg,Ron Keys,Chris Burns

All individuals listed on this page donate their time and efforts to the fund. No one associated with the fund draws a salary of any type.


President: Edward Marcum
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Ed Marcum is better known as the Chief Executive Officer for Recovery Specialist Insurance Group, but prior to his position with RSIG, Ed was a repossession agency owner himself. He has dedicated over 30 years of his life to the repossession industry and has endeavored over the years to educate and professionalize the industry at every level and to strengthen the image of the recovery industry.

Having spent so many years in the industry, and still being involved in the industry every day as RSIG's CEO, Ed grew increasingly tired and frustrated of the position that many repossessors find themselves in. Agency owners have faced increased operational costs while having lower fees forced on them; and as a result have made tough decisions on places to cut costs. Often this results in repossession agency owners not having worker's compensation insurance for their employees, or in their ability to provide affordable life and health insurance options. Being the gambling types that they are, repossessors usually roll the dice and choose not to obtain life or health insurance outside of their employment, either because they find themselves ineligible, they can't afford it, or believe they don't need it; more often than not however the main reason is the cost. When given a choice of putting food on the table or paying for a life insurance premium; most everyone will choose food. No one wants to think about their own death or disability and sometimes it's easier to ignore the inevitable than to plan for it.

That being said, through his affiliations with various insurance carriers, brokers and agencies, Ed has attempted to find cost effective alternatives to these problems. While small strides have been made by making an Accidental Death & Dismemberment policy available to RSIG members and their full time employees, working with an agency on supplemental health benefits, and constantly looking for an affordable workers compensation solution for the industry that wasn't good enough for Ed.

In 2002, he approached the Board of Directors of RSIG with the concept of the Recovery Agents Memorial Fund, later to be known as the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund (RABF); and received approval to start the fund with a small deposit from RSIG. In late 2008 and early 2009, Ed and Diane Kirzl an independent CPA began the arduous task of obtaining approval from the IRS for the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund to become a 501(c)(3). In July 2009, this approval was received and the RABF became a recognized charitable organization. As indicated in the fund's 501c3 application, no one affiliated with the fund draws a salary or receives any sort of compensation aside from the personal satisfaction in knowing they are giving back.

RSIG administers the fund at no cost and accounting services are donated as well as select printing services and website development and maintenance. The funds directors, committee members and fund raisers receive no compensation of any sort and volunteer their time and efforts because of their love and respect of the repossession industry.

Ed is proud of this accomplishment and hopes to see the day that all repossessors contribute to the fund on a regular basis so that it always has funds available when needed. Information regarding the eligibility for the fund is found elsewhere on this site and donations can be made via PayPal or by mailing or faxing checks to the fund's office; more information can be found on the Make A Donation page on this site.

Vice President: George "Bud" Wilkins Jr.
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Bud Wilkins is a founder and director of the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund and gives freely of his time with no monetary compensation. He has long shared Ed Marcum's dream of a single place where the industry can come together to help each other in their most desperate times of need.

Bud founded Omni Recovery in Birmingham, AL in 1989 and has served on the Board of Recovery Specialist Insurance Group since 1995. He has held and currently holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Membership Committee Chairman and also serves on the Education Committee.

Secretary/Treasurer: Dana Loan
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Dana Loan has worked with Ed Marcum since 1997 where she has learned a deep respect for the repossession industry and the struggles that owners and the employees face. She volunteers her time and services as a director for the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund to assist in the administrative duties of the fund, including web content, disbursements and assisting Ed Marcum and Diane Kirzl, the fund's accountant in any way. Dana is also working with industry associations and vendors to promote industry wide knowledge and acceptance of the fund.

What follows, is a listing of those the fund has helped thus far:

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