Recovery Agents Benefit Fund Eligibility
- The person must have been working full time in the repossession industry at the time of death; not necessarily within the scope of his/her employment, but must be active in the business.
- If deceased, death must be verified via news report/obituary/notice of funeral arrangements or other such appropriate means of notification.
- Request for disbursement must be received in writing directly to the Recovery Agent's Benefit's Fund's administrative office within 30 days of the person's passing.
Other eligibility:
Requests for other disbursements of funds will be reviewed on a case by case basis and are need based.
For example, if a child under the age of 18 is afflicted with injury or disease causing extreme financial hardship to the family, the family, employer, etc. may apply to the Fund requesting a disbursement. Medical records or other documentation may be required to ensure eligibility.
Applications for disbursement requests may be requested by contacting our office via email: or by calling our office 703-365-0409. Employers are also required to complete an Employment Verification Form to confirm eligibility.
Generally a disbursement related to the death of an employee in the repossession field is capped at a $5,000 maximum disbursement.